Glossary of Italian Citizenship

This glossary is a list of terms specific to the Italian citizenship process, presented in alphabetical order, accompanied by their definitions or explanations. The main purpose of this glossary is to provide a set of clear and concise definitions for you readers to help you better understand the terms and concepts useful for the recognition of Italian Citizenship.


Agenzia delle Entrate (Entrance Agency)

Italian agency is equivalent to the Internal Revenue Service. It acts in tax control and supervision, in addition to issuing the “codice fiscale”.

AIRE – Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero (Register of Italians Residing Abroad)

It is a register, present in the “comune,” of Italian citizens residing outside Italy.

Antenate (Ancestral)


 Ancestor, in the language of Italian citizenship, “Antenato” is used to name the Italian immigrant.

Anagrafe (Notary)

Record of the Italian population present in the “comune”.

Albero genealogico (Family tree)

Graphical representation of a person’s family connections with their ascendants and descendants.


Certificato di Battesimo (Certificate of Baptism)

Certificate issued by the Parish where the baptism took place.

Cittadinanza (Citizenship)

It is the legal status of being a citizen of a specific country, in this case, Italy.

Cittadinanza per discendenza (Citizenship by Descent)

The possibility of descendants of Italian emigrant citizens to obtain Italian citizenship.

Codice Fiscale (tax code)

The tax code is a document similar to the American SSN -Social Security Number. Il Codice Fiscale is a unique tax identification number used in Italy for administrative and tax purposes. It is assigned to all Italian citizens and residents, as well as to foreigners who have economic interests in Italy.

Comune (Municipality)

In Italy, the word “comune” refers to a local administrative subdivision, which can be translated as “municipality”. The comune is the smallest unit of local government in Italy’s administrative system and is responsible for providing a wide range of services and functions to citizens living in its area.

Consolato Italiano (Italian consulate)

An Italian government office located abroad, responsible for providing consular assistance and services to Italian citizens residing in your jurisdiction.

Copia Integrale (Integer content)

Format of birth, marriage and death certificates with all the information present in the civil registry book.

Curia (Curia )

Organ of the Italian Catholic Church.


Dante Causa (Dante Cause)

Dante causa is the Italian ancestor who gives rise to the right to Italian citizenship.

Dichiarazione di ospitalità (Declaration of hospitality)

Mandatory document for those who host an extra-community at home for residence purposes.

Domicilio fiscale (Domicilio Fiscal)

Official address of residence used for tax purposes.

Doppia cittadinanza (Dual Citizenship)

The possibility of having the citizenship of two countries at the same time.


Estratto per Riassunto dell’atto di matrimonio (Extract for Summary of the Marriage Certificate)

It is an Italian term used to indicate a synthetic and official copy of the marriage certificate. This extract provides a brief summary of the essential information contained in the marriage certificate.

Estratto per Riassunto dell’atto di morte (Extract for Summary of the death certificate)

The “Summary Extract of the Death Certificate” is an official document that provides a brief summary of the information contained in the complete death certificate of a deceased person.

Estratto per Riassunto dell’Atto di Nascita (Extract for Summary of the Birth Certificate)

The Birth Certificate Summary Extract” is an official document that provides a summary of the essential information contained in a person’s complete birth certificate.


Immigrazione (Immigration)

Moving people to a country they are not natives of

Ius soli (Jus Soli)

The principle that citizenship is granted to any person born in the territory of a State, regardless of the nationality of the parents.

Ius sanguinis (Jus sanguinis)

The principle that citizenship is determined by the nationality of the parents, regardless of the place of birth.


Lettera d’invito (Invitation letter)

Document written by an individual or organization, inviting and offering hosting to another person. It is commonly used to request the presence of a foreign guest in a country, whether for tourist purposes, business or application for Italian citizenship.


Marca da Bollo (Recipe Seal)

It is an Italian government stamp similar to postage stamps of letters. The bollo mark indicates that a legal fee or tax has been paid and that it is valid. it is sold in places known as Tabaccheria or Tabacchi.


Nazionalità (Nationality)

Nationality is the relationship that a person has with his country, either his nationality of origin or acquired later.

Non rinuncia (Does not renounce)

It is a generic term that refers to a type of statement or document in which a person certifies that he does not waive certain rights or benefits.

In the case of Italian citizenship, the “comune” applies to the Italian consulate for the “Attestazione Di Mancata Rinuncia Alla Cittadinanza Italiana” of Dante Causa, ensuring that citizenship continues to be given to direct descendants.

Naturalizzazione (Naturalization)

The process by which a foreign citizen can acquire the citizenship of another country after meeting certain legal requirements.


Passaporto italiano (Italian Passport)

A travel document issued to Italian citizens that allows them to travel abroad.

Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit)

Document issued to foreign citizens who wish to legally reside in Italy for a specific period.


Questura (Police Headquarters)

The local police are responsible for issuing residence permits.


Tessera Sanitaria (Health Card)

The “Health Card” is an official document used in Italy to access health services and be identified within the National Health System (SSN). It is an important magnetic or chip card that contains personal and health information of the holder.

Traduzione Giurata (Sworn translation)

It is a specific type of official translation performed by a sworn translator or public translator, who is a professional accredited by the government to perform official translations with legal validity. For the Italian citizenship process, a sworn translation of the documents is required.


Ufficio Anagrafe (Notary Office)

The Department of the Italian government, the Ufficio Anagrafe, is responsible for recording and maintaining the data of Italian citizens residing in a municipality.

Ufficio Immigrazione (Immigration Office)

The department of “Questura”, is responsible for immigration matters.

Ufficio di Stato Civile (Office of the Civil Status)

It is a government or municipal office present in many countries, including Italy. Its main task is to manage and maintain civil records, which include birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates of all citizens.


Vigile Urbano (Police)

In Italy, the term “vigile” often refers to “urban vigile” or “poliziotto municipale”. They are local police officers employed by municipalities to enforce laws and regulations in the municipality.

And the agent who visits the home of the applicant for Italian citizenship to confirm the veracity of what has been informed to the comune about the place of residence and the legality of the citizen’s residence in Italy.

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