How to request “The “Extract of the Birth and Marriage Act” Italian

Extract of Birth or Marriage

The “Extract for the act” is an official document providing a summary of the essential information contained in a complete act. These documents are essential in the case of:

1-Citizenship and visas: In citizenship practices or to obtain visas, an Extract for Summary of the birth or marriage certificate may be required as part of the documentation process.

2-Genealogical research: Extracts for Summary of Acts are often required for genealogical research purposes, as they offer basic information about family members and relationships.

The Extract  of the act is usually notarized and issued by government offices or municipalities authorized to manage civil registers, such as the Civil Status Office. It is important to note that the information contained in the Summary Extract of the Act is official and legally valid, but may vary in level of detail from the full act.

What is a “Birth Certificate Excerpt”

The “Birth Certificate Summary Extract” is an official document that provides a summary of the essential information contained in a person’s complete birth certificate. This excerpt contains basic information about the birth, but does not include all the detailed details in the original document.

The Birth Certificate Extract usually includes the following information:

Data of the person born: The full name of the person born, date of birth and place of birth.

Parental data: The full names of the parents of the child born.

Registration number: A unique number assigned to the birth certificate to facilitate identification in civil registers.

Signature and stamp: The extract will be authenticated with an official signature and the stamp of the registrar or competent authority that issued the document.

The Birth Certificate Extract is an important document that can be requested for various purposes, such as school registration, obtaining identity documents, applying for passports, applying for citizenship and other administrative purposes.

What is “Extract of the Marriage Act”

“Estratto dell’atto di matrimonio” is an Italian term used to indicate a concise and official copy of the marriage certificate. This excerpt provides a brief summary of the essential information contained in the full marriage certificate but does not include all the detailed details in the original document.

The Extract from the marriage certificate generally includes the following information:

Data of the spouses: The full names of the spouses, dates and places of birth, as well as residences at the time of marriage.

Date and place of marriage: The date and place where the wedding took place.

Registration number: A unique number assigned to the marriage certificate to facilitate identification in civil registers.

Parents’ data: The full names and sometimes professions of the spouses’ parents.

Signature and stamp: The extract will be authenticated with an official signature and the stamp of the registrar or competent authority that issued the document.

The Marriage Act Extract is an official document that can be required for various purposes, including recognizing marriage abroad, applying for citizenship, obtaining visas, enrolling in social assistance or pension services, handling legal matters, and other administrative practices.

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How to apply for the birth and marriage certificate in Italy

Determine the municipality of birth: First of all, you need to know the municipality (or municipality) where the person was born. The birth certificate is registered in the municipality where the event occurred.

Required documents: Prepare the necessary documents to apply for the birth certificate. Usually, you will need to present a valid ID, and if requested, you may need to provide other additional information or documents. If you are requesting the birth certificate on behalf of someone else, written permission from the person concerned may be required (“Proxy”).

How to request: There are several ways to request a Birth and Marriage certificate

Request the birth and marriage certificate in Italy online

In many Italian municipalities, it is possible to apply for a birth certificate online through digital public services. Go to the website of the municipality of birth and follow the instructions to apply online.

The service provided by the National Register of the Resident Population (ANPR) will allow you to download several certificates online. However, not all common has made certificates available online.

*For these online Italian certificates it will not be necessary to pay the tax (stamp duty) and therefore they will be free (and available in different languages for authorized municipalities).

*To access the portal it is necessary to login with a digital identity (SPID, Electronic Identity Card and CNS – National Service Card).

Request the birth and marriage certificate in Italy in person

You can go personally to the Civil Status Office / Registry Office of the municipality of birth and fill out a birth certificate request form. In some municipalities, it is possible that you may need to book an appointment.

Request the birth and marriage certificate in Italy by e-mail

 If you cannot go in person or use the online services, you can send a written request to the Civil Status Office of the municipality of birth, attaching the necessary documents. However, you may need a pec e-mail message.

A “PEC mail” (Certified Electronic Mail) is a special e-mail service used for sending and receiving messages and documents with legal and certified value. PEC is a secure and traceable means of electronic communication, and is widely used in Italy and in some other countries for official, commercial and legal purposes.

The main features of PEC mail include:

1. Certification:

The PEC guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the message and documents sent, providing certified proof of the sender and recipient. This makes PEC messages legally valid and enforceable against third parties.

2. Traceability:

Each message sent via PEC has a sending and receiving protocol that allows you to track the path and delivery time of the message.

3. Security:

PEC uses encryption technologies and digital signatures to ensure the security and confidentiality of communications.

4. Mandatory use:

In some transactions or official communications, the use of PEC mail may be mandatory to ensure the reliability and legality of the process.

5. PEC address:

A PEC address is a special email address that ends with the domain “” (in Italy). Only those who have a PEC address can send or receive certified messages.

It is important to note that the PEC can only be used between registered and authorized PEC addresses, and has legal validity only if sent and received through the certified e-mail service.

To obtain a PEC address, it is necessary to register with an authorized PEC service provider, which can be a public body or a certified private provider.

General consideration

Costs and delivery times:

There may be a cost for requesting the birth certificate. Delivery times vary depending on the municipality and the method of request used.

Sworn translation:

If you need the birth certificate in another country and the language of the document is not the one required in the destination country, a sworn translation may be required. In this case, contact a sworn translator recognized by the authorities of the country where you will use the document.

Remember that procedures and requirements may vary slightly from one municipality to another; So, I advise you to check the specific information on the official website of the municipality of birth or contact the Civil Status Office directly to get the correct instructions for your application.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article has helped you, but if you still have questions write in the comments that I will answer you.

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