Tagliatelle alla Bolognese

 Tagliatelle alla Bolognese

The Tagliatelle alla Bolognese, a classic dish of Italian cuisine

Tagliatelle alla Bolognese, also known as Tagliatelle al Ragù, is a classic dish of Italian cuisine. It’s a long flattened pasta served with a Bolognese sauce, which is a rich and tasty meat sauce.

How to make Tagliatelle to Bolognese

Here’s a basic recipe for making Tagliatelle Bolognese:


350g tagliatelle

250g ground beef (traditionally, a combination of beef and pork is used)

1 medium onion, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 can of peeled tomatoes (or about 400g of fresh, peeled and chopped tomatoes)

1/2 cup dry red wine

1 cup water

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt to taste

Grated Parmesan (optional, to serve)


1.    In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, carrots and celery. Saute until the vegetables are soft, for about 5 minutes.

2.    Add the ground beef to the pan and cook until it is completely golden brown and there is no more rose, stirring occasionally.

3.    Pour the red wine into the pan and cook until it reduces by half, which should take a few minutes.

4.    Add the peeled tomatoes and the water to the pan. Season with salt to taste. Let the sauce boil and then reduce the heat down and let it cook over low heat for at least an hour, stirring occasionally. The longer you cook, the better the taste.

5.    While the sauce cooks, cook the tagliatelle in a large pot of salt water, following the instructions on the package. Drain the dough when al dente.

Serve the cooked tagliatelle in individual dishes and top with generous portions of the Bolognese sauce. If you wish, I can add grated Parmesan cheese.

Serve hot and enjoy your delicious Tagliatelle Bolognese!

Wines to accompany the ragu to Bolognese

To accompany a classic dish like Tagliatelle à Bolognese, an Italian red wine is an excellent choice. Here are some options of Italian red wines that harmonize well with this dish:

 Chianti is an Italian red wine from the Tuscany region. It is known for its fruity flavors, balanced acidity and soft tannins, which makes it a great choice to pair with Bolognese sauce.

Brunello di Montalcino, this is a Tuscan red wine produced from the Sangiovese grape. It is fuller bodied than Chianti, with complex flavors of berries, spices, and firm tannins. It combines very well with meat dishes.

If you’re willing to invest in a premium wine, Barolo is a wonderful option. Originating in the Piedmont region, it is known for its elegance and structure. It has intense flavors of dark fruits, spices and powerful tannins that complement the Bolognese meat well.

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, another choice from Tuscany, this wine is mainly made with the Sangiovese grape. It is known for its fruity flavors and soft tannins, making it a balanced option for pasta dishes with Bolognese sauce.

Rosso di Montalcino, this is a younger red wine from the Montalcino region. It is more affordable and still offers the fruity flavors and soft tannins that complement the meat well.

·        If you prefer a medium-bodied Italian red wine with fruity notes and a good acidity, Chianti or Vino Nobile di Montepulciano can be ideal options.

·        If you prefer a full-bodied and more complex wine, opt for the Barolo or Brunello di Montalcino.

·        Be sure to serve the wine at a suitable temperature, usually slightly below room temperature, to make the most of the flavors and aromas.

Pasta Carbonara

 Where to eat the tagliatelle a bolognesa in Bologna Italian

In Bologna, the Italian city where Tagliatelle à Bolognese (or Tagliatelle al Ragù) is a traditional dish, you can find restaurants and trattorias serving this delicious delicacy just about everywhere.

Here are some popular options in Bologna where you can enjoy an authentic Tagliatelle à Bolognese:

Trattoria Anna Maria: This family-run trattoria is known for its authentic Bolognese recipes, including the famous Tagliatelle à Bolognese. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming, and the food is prepared with fresh, local ingredients.

Trattoria da Me: Another traditional trattoria, known for its homemade cuisine. They serve an excellent Bolognese tagliatelle, prepared according to local traditions.

Osteria dell’Orsa: This is a popular place among students and locals alike. In addition to Tagliatelle à Bolognese, they offer a variety of authentic Italian dishes. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly.

Trattoria di Via Serra: An authentic trattoria located in one of the most picturesque streets of Bologna. They serve an excellent selection of Bolognese dishes, including Tagliatelle à Bolognese.

Ristorante Diana: Located in the historic centre of Bologna, this restaurant offers an elegant dining experience. They serve an exceptional version of Tagliatelle à Bolognese, among other Italian delights.

Trattoria Tony: A friendly and informal restaurant, known for its traditional and tasty dishes, including Tagliatelle à Bolognese.

Sfoglia Rina: A charming little trattoria that stands out for the quality of the ingredients and the authenticity of its Bolognese recipes, including the Bolognese Tagliatelle.

Remember that Bologna is famous for its food and the locals’ passion for cooking, so you’ll likely find plenty of other great places to taste the Tagliatelle à Bolognese while exploring the city.

Enjoy your meal and the authentic culinary experience in Bologna!

Buon Appetito!

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